Fire Dragon G8 Pol Samodejno Fračo Lov, Ribolov Samostrel Katapult Večfunkcijsko Jekla Žogo Strelivo Puščico Continous Streljanje


Nov izdelek

€130.81 €111.19

  • Uporaba: Lov

Oznake: preprost fračo lov, dragon igrača, samostrel, lov fračo, mala prača puško, pištolo, finance ribolovno orodje, dragon ball, band fračo ribolov, mala mala prača catapult, strelivo polje.

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Semen Sch
please read this seller's reviews, everyone who bought from him give him a bad feedback, thus seller is not honest, please don't buy from him, you will loose your money, he send the order in 3 packages with no user manual, look at my pictures that was how I got my order, the material is cheap and plastic, doesn't work like the show in the video, don't waist your be sorry if you buy from this seller.
Melnikov Stanisl
There are too few bolts.
